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Radio Frequency

RF Skin Tightening - for firmer, younger looking skin.


Radio Frequency, also referred to as RF, is a fantastic treatment for tightening loose or sagging skin on any area of the body to produce firmer, more youthful looking skin.


RF works by generating heat and applying it to the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. The heat causes tissue retraction, resulting in instantly tighter and firmer skin. It also works to stimulate collagen production which over time produces a more youthful looking appearance.


How many treatments will I need?


This will all depend on your individual situation, and we will carefully assess this for you during your consultation. Some clients may only need 4 treatments, while other may require 6 or 8 to achieve brilliant results.


When will I start seeing results?


When it comes to the tightening and lifting effect of RF, it can produce instant results. You will notice immediate improvements to your skin tone that will just get better with each session. The collagen remodeling aspect of RF takes a little more time and you will reach full benefits of the collagen stimulation around 3 months after treatment. 

Treatment Areas




Face & Neck




Upper Back - bra line

Upper Arms


Thighs - inner & outer

Knees - inner & upper












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